Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nutrition Challenge

Well, I just got back from a nice night time bike ride and swim at the gym. Probably makes Laura more nervous when I do that than anything else I do, but when you want to spend time with your kids, crazy times of the day are the only times you can actually work out.

When I got on the scales at the gym I was reminded that working out is great, but your diet is still the driving force behind maintaining weight as well as losing weight. Three years ago, I was perfect, I didn't stray and for 2 years it paid off. Last year after doing my triathlons and adventure races I thouhgt I could start eating whatever I wanted and could work out hard enough to balance that food. It's impossible.

When I started losing weight, I had so many people giving me tips along the way. The funniest tip I ever received came from my uncle. At one point in his life, he weighed over 300lbs as well and one day decided he was going to make a change. He just quit eating and has never changed that philosophy. He doesn't exercise and still believes that not eating is the only thing you can do to maintain or loss weight. At the time, I totally disagreed and now I only partially disagree. I do think you have to cut back on the amount of food you eat. I think I normally eat around 3500 calories a day. Over time, that starts to add up. If I am able to keep my calories taken in per day closer to 2500 then I can consitently lose weight. For those of you who don't like counting calories, do it for a month and for the rest of your life you will have a decent idea of the calories you are consuming with your favorite foods.

Either way, no matter how hard I work out, I have learned that as much as I want to eat a burger a week, I can't. I have to eat fish, eggs, veggies and I have to stay away from my wife's amazing baked goods. Today was a wake up call, so hopefully I take advantage.

I also want to ask anyone that is reading this to say an extra prayer for the Sutton family in Dallas. Pat Sutton is a close friend of mine and he and his brother lost there mom this week. She is in a better place, and she was able to see both of her boys start wonderful families.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Getting Back Into It

Today was a day to start over. Start eating better and getting back on the daily exercise routine. I did some of this, so I consider that a good day.

I had a small breakfast, a busy day at work that didn't include my small meals in b/w breakfast, lunch and dinner, but my meals were overall very healthy. Sea bass from PF Changs was incredible as usual for lunch and the lite plate at Chuy's is hard to beat as well. It's the damn chips and margaritas that I can't say no to.

I did tell Natalie she would be able to scold me if she caught me with a beer. I have decided to give up beer for a few months while I get back into this. I am only cleared to drink at Mexican food places and parties that she approves.

I did have a huge exercise portion today, especially compared to what I have been doing lately, but with the triathlon coming up in a month, I have no choice. I ran outside the gym and then had a nice half hour swim. I will be feeling it tomorrow, but a long walk with Laura tonight while my in-laws put the kids to bed finished off the day with a bang.

I am starting to get back on track, and can't wait to get back to the a year ago when exercising was fun again. I am still at the point where it is necessary, a pain in the rear but something I feel better doing.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm Back

Well, I took a few months off, and decided to start the blog again to add motivation for my training as well as continue to help get the word out about changing your lifestyle.

It's been a crazy 6 months. Most of my time during the week has been working and playing with my crazy kids. Needless to say, that hasn't left any time to workout for myself or Laura. We have been so exhausted by bedtime that we can't workout at night, and we both have issues getting up early in the morning, so our workouts have been lacking.

I was slapped in the face this year when the CapTex Tri rolled around and I realized that one year ago I was able to complete the Olympic Distance in that race and I now was exhausted after running 3 miles. So, we are back to being motivated and back in the business of training for some upcoming events.

My buddy has signed me up for the Couples Triathlon in Austin in a few weeks, so that will really tell me how far I need to go. I am still looking down the road and wanting to find another Olympic Distance race before the end of the season. I have also signed up for an exciting Tough Mudder race in Dallas. This course was desingned by ex-Navy Seals and ex-British Special Forces. Should be tons of fun, and it's all about the team you are racing with.

As of today, I am trying to focus on getting my running back to a place I am happy, and I also need to start eating properly and try to drop about 20lbs before the end of the summer. I slipped and put back on about 15lbs of the weight I had lost, but I am ok with that as long as it doesn't get any more than that.

That's it for now, we will talk about improving food again later, just wanted to get started again.